Windows updates 2015: New patch release features Samsung unblocking automatic updates

Samsung laptop(Samsung/Twitter)

Samsung promised that they will remedy the issue of Windows updates being automatically disabled with the new patch they are set to release.

The issue in question has been affecting Samsung brand laptops.

The problem concerning the Samsung laptops was discovered earlier in the week when Microsoft researcher Patrick Barker discovered a file named "Disable_Windowsupdate.exe" while in the process of troubleshooting a unit for a customer, according to Tech Times.

As the name of the file suggests, it automatically disables Windows updates on the laptops without seeking permission from the unit owners. It also meant that owners would have to manually install Windows updates on their laptops each time they needed to. 

Barker also found out that the unit owners, even after enabling the automatic update option for Windows updates, would still have to go through the process all over again whenever they had to reboot.

For their part, Samsung has responded to the revelations regarding the disable file by indicating it was necessary because Microsoft's updates were having problems with their units' drivers, according to Digital Spy. Samsung said Microsoft's updates were causing their units to malfunction and thus, they disabled them to prevent problems from frequently popping up.

Samsung has since eased off on their stance of automatically disabling Windows updates, according to Engadget.

Instead of the company automatically blocking the updates on their laptops, they will now give users the option to either enable or disable them.

"As part of our commitment to customer satisfaction, we are providing our users with the option to choose if and when they want to update the Windows software on their products," according to a statement from Samsung.

It is unknown just what specific units contain the "Disable_Windowsupdate.exe" file, but it has been programmed to work on all laptops with Windows XP or higher.

Samsung has yet to indicate an official release date for the new patch.