'Winds of Winter' release date: Negative progress on sixth book, says George R.R. Martin

For fans waiting for the release of "Winds of Winter," it seems like author George R.R. Martin is not making any big progress at all, which means that the release date will remain unknown. The author openly admitted that he is making negative progress on the book.

According to DigitalSpy, Martin says that he feels he is going backwards as he keeps revising the things he has finished writing already. This causes a long delay and chances are, it won't be released before "Game of Thrones" Season 5 comes out.

"I have days where I make lots of progress. I have days where I make next to no progress, I have days where I think I'm going backwards because I don't like what I wrote yesterday," says Martin. "So I've given up making any predictions on that. I'm just writing it and when it's done, it'll be done."

"Winds of Winter" is the sixth book and it has been a great concern for all "Game of Thrones" fans if the book will make it on time for "Game of Thrones" Season 6. Many are worried that the HBO drama series will run out of material to use. Not to mention, a delay in the book may also push back the release of Season 6, as if waiting 10 months for another season wasn't enough really.

If it will make the fans feel better, Martin did say that he will be focusing on writing "Winds of Winter" and will put of writing a script for Season 5. Nonetheless, Martin has commitments to appear in conventions and other places, so that's time taken off his writing as well.

"I'm not writing a script for season 5, but I'm still a co-executive producer, so I'm still involved on that level," said Martin. "It takes me about three weeks to a month to write a script, and with all the pressure to finish and deliver The Winds of Winter, I decided my time was better spent finishing the book than taking off three weeks to a month to get a script done."

"Game of Thrones" Season 5 will definitely be back this year even without Martin. However, everyone's hoping that "Winds of Winter" will be a phenomenal piece of work given that it's taking ages to complete.