'Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus' news: Latest DLC released; featuring Nazi revenge story of former football star Gunslinger Joe

"The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe" DLC for "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" will feature the revenge story against Ubercommandant Rodrik Metze.YouTube/BethesdaSoftworksUK

First-person shooter "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" just got the first downloadable content (DLC) of a promised series. Called "The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe," the latest DLC serves as chapter one of "The Freedom Chronicles."

The DLC mainly focuses on the story of the titular Gunslinger Joe. The protagonist is a former football player that now finds himself on a path of revenge against the Nazis, especially after an Ubercommander named Rodrik Metze. The story is told through three chapters and lasts for about two hours of gameplay overall.

Joe's special ability is called "Unnecessary Roughness" and reflects his past as a star football player. He can charge through enemies with no problem, and he can even run with ease while carrying big guns. He can also tackle breakable walls, an ability that can be a lifesaver if ever he gets trapped in a difficult level.

Some of the levels feel like they were specially made for the protagonist's ability. There are lots of opportunities for the player to use the character's strength, speed, and endurance. There is even a level in a football field, where Joe must make the most of his tackling strength because ammunition is limited.

Other than that, level design is familiar because of the locations — like city blocks and sewers — are similar to the base game.

The story itself is told through comic panels that give more depth to Joe's backstory. However, being only about two-hours long, some of the narrative's heavier themes suffer from a case of short-charged delivery. While the DLC deals with serious themes, it does not carry with it the same emotional investment that the base game required.

"The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe" is out now and is included in the $24.99 Season Pass for "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus." Players can also pay $9.99 to purchase the DLC individually.