'Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus' releases extensive gameplay preview videos

Promotional photo of the upcoming "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus."Facebook/wolfenstein

Video game publisher Bethesda Softworks is intent on fulfilling gaming fans' appetite for gameplay previews as it posted three new gameplay videos of "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus" on Tuesday, revealing almost an hour of developer playthrough footage.

Available for streaming on the publisher's YouTube channel, the three videos feature developers playing through different stages in the game, namely the opening mission, a mission in Roswell, New Mexico and a boss fight against a Zitadelle.

The first video, titled "The Reunion," takes place at the start of the game. It's a tutorial mission that shows the protagonist, William "B.J." Blazkowicz, as he tries to escape from the facility where he's being held. 

The longest of the three at over 24 minutes, the second video features a mission in Roswell, New Mexico. A part of this video shows a cut scene that fans may remember from a teaser video released by the developers during the Electronic Entertainment Expo conference in June.

The teaser, "Strawberry Milkshake," shows a Nazi officer entering a diner and ordering a strawberry milkshake. The rest of the video features the futuristic technology that the Germans are employing and introduces the new character called Super Spesh.

The third video, while the shortest, is the most action packed of the three previews. It shows an epic boss battle against a giant robot, taking place at the end of Blazkowicz' mission in the secret base of Area 52. The preview also showcases several classes of enemy soldiers, as well as an array of weapons that the player can choose from.

Set in the fictional world of Nazi-occupied America, "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus" is an upcoming first-person shooter action adventure video game developed by MachineGames. "Wolfenstein II" is set for a worldwide release on Oct. 27 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is the eighth main entry in the Wolfenstein series and the sequel to 2014's "Wolfenstein: The New Order."