Women Bishops Debate Tops Priority for Church of England Synod

As the Church of England looks forward to its General Synod in York next month, the divisive issue of women bishops has come to the forefront of debate, and looks set to dominate discussions during the July gathering, report the Church of England newspaper.

Prior to the Synod, a debate is scheduled to take place from which a theological standpoint on the issue of women bishops is hoped to be resolved.

The debate will come at a highly sensitive time for the worldwide Anglican Communion, following the controversial election of the Rt Rev Katharine Jefferts Schori as the new leader of the American Episcopal Church earlier this week.

The Synod will be invited by the House of Bishops to agree to an establishment of a legislative drafting group. The purpose of the group would be to draw up a range of options to take the situation forward if the motion is carried.