Workshops on International Internet Evangelism Conference Released

Around one month after the Internet Evangelism for the 21st Century (IE-21st Century) Conference held on 1-2 April at the Liberty University in central Virginia, USA, organisers today announced that the workshops presented by prominent Christian leaders at the Conference are now available as a set of three quality DVDs.

Sponsored by Liberty University’s MA Communication Graduate Department, a group of communication professors in the Missions Department organised the meeting. The conference aimed to explore the new method of evangelism through the internet. Rather than focusing on theory, practical advices were given for beginners.

The conference drew attention from Christian leaders and evangelists across the globe. 8,000 people ranging from students to pastors and leaders, from Canada, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Russia, Germany and Australia, joined the conference.

Nineteen of the twenty-one workshops presented at the IE-21st Century Conference are now available as a set of three quality DVDs.

"Although there has been a video streaming option available, it will be a fantastic addition to those doing or wanting to do Internet Evangelism to have this DVD set in their library," commented Dan Henrich, conference organiser in the Press Release, "We have tried to keep the cost affordable and even offer a discount to those who registered for the actual conference."

The DVD set includes workshops by such well known internet evangelism speakers as: Rusty Wright (Probe Ministries), Sterling Huston (BGEA and the Internet Evangelism Coalition), Greg Outlaw (, Dan Henrich, Harry Sova and Todd Smith (Liberty University), Chris Forbes (Oklahoma Baptist Convention), Allan Beeber (Campus Crusade for Christ), Siam Rogers (, Rowland Croucher (John Mark Ministries), John Edmiston (, Karen Schenk (Truthmedia Internet Group), Andrew Sears (Techmission), and a number of other speaking on blogging including Steve Knight, Steven Shields, Will Samson, Aaron Flores, Nick Ciske and DJ Chuang.

Full speaker bios can be found at under the Speaker Bios section.

The DVDs can be ordered online at

Liberty University is a Christian university with over 8,000 residential and 10,000 distance students, and was founded by Rev Jerry Falwell in 1971.

Another major global event on internet evangelism was held in April as well. The first ever Worldwide Internet Evangelism Day (IED) on 24th April 2005 was endorsed by Internet Evangelism Coalition (IEC).

IEC is an umbrella group of evangelical Christian organisations across the world who share a vision for online outreach. Some leading groups include the Billy Graham Centre, Campus Crusade for Christ, Christian Broadcasting Network,, Willowcreek among many others. The day was welcomed by UK evangelists.

The 2006 Internet Evangelism for the 21st Century Conference is planned for 7-8 April 2006. Information can be found at