World Emergency Relief ready to respond to Indonesian Earthquake

Christian charity World Emergency Relief remains in close contact with local partner organisation Hope Worldwide Indonesia as a full assessment of the needs of communities affected by the latest earthquake in the region is undertaken.

The earthquake, which measured a massive 8.4 on the Richter scale, struck off the western coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Wednesday 12 September 2007 at 1810 local time (1110 GMT).

WER has received reports from Hope Worldwide teams on the ground that approximately 3,500 houses in Bengkulu have been damaged, of which some 700 have been totally destroyed. It is reported that the city of Bengkulu received only low level damage from the quake with the northern coastal parts of Bengkulu province more severely impacted.

At least ten people have been reported as killed in the quake. As aftershocks continue to hit the island, patients at the local Muhammad Yunus Hospital have been moved to tents amid fears of further building collapses.

The immediate needs of those affected by the quake have been identified as the provision of temporary shelter and food. The restoration of electricity and the rebuilding of houses are also major needs.

The teams from Hope Worldwide Indonesia are currently assessing the situation in Muko Muko district along the western coast and further updates will shortly be available from WER.