World Evangelical Alliance Appoints Interim Coordinator

Since the resignation of the World Evangelical Alliance general secretary Gary Edmonds three weeks ago, the organisation has been overseen by an interim international coordinator until the new secretary is named.

A WEA report dated 24th February announced the appointment of Geoff Tunnicliffe as the interim international coordinator for the WEA indefinitely. At the time of Edmonds’ transition, the WEA had not set up concrete plans for future or even immediate leadership.

However, Edmonds told reporters during an interview, "I will continue to be in an advisory and consultancy role to help the WEA in its transition period; this could go on for several months."

"I will have a period of overlap in my duties. During the next couple of months, I will continue to offer counsel and oversight to aspects of the WEA functions. Therefore, my responsibilities with WEA will not stop immediately on 31st January. I am committed to help WEA for an effective transition."

Resigning on 1st Feb, Edmonds joined the leadership of Churches Together - a fellowship of North American churches interested in developing global mission plans.

The upcoming interim coordinator Tunnicliffe is director of global initiatives with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC). He will serve as the director of the WEA World Issues Summit in May, where the executive committee will address imperative issues such as donor relations, communication between international WEA bodies, and the transition of the WEA secretariat office.

Tunnicliffe has a lot of experience in evangelical ministry. He has been serving on the North American board of the WEA for several years and also works with Churches Together. His appointment has been highly appreciated by Edmonds and the WEA staff.

Quoted from the statement on 24th February, Edmonds said, "Geoff is very knowledgeable about evangelical alliances and global realities. From his many years of international ministry, he has developed an ability to understand different cultures and develop collaborative initiatives that advance the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Ndaba Mazabane, chairman of the WEA International Council, agreed that Tunnicliffe will play a critical role in helping rebuild and reunite the Alliance.

"I am delighted that Geoff has agreed to step in at this time to assist the WEA in its quest of realising its goals of uniting and rallying evangelicals around the globe to be communities of grace and hope," said Mazabane.

Following the appointment of Tunnicliffe, the international headquarters of the WEA will be shifted to Toronto, Canada - home of the EFC. The EFC staff will "take on the day to day management" for the alliance and will provide services to the WEA churches around the world.

Interviewed on 24th February, Tunnicliffe said, "I feel honoured that I’ve been asked to take on this role at this transition time, and very hopeful as we move into the future, we will continue to develop an alliance that is strategic and effective."

"I think part of my role is to direct strategic communications and to continue building a level of understanding between the churches," he also explained his role as an interim coordinator. "Providing a communications hub and continuing to define what the role of the WEA has been in the 21st century is also a big part of my role."

"There has been a real desire for the WEA to continue to be a voice for evangelicals around the world and build that voice so we can have common expressions and common concerns," he continued. "We have shared unity around key issues, and my role would be to strengthen the voice of the WEA as we move into the future."