World Evangelical Alliance Commission Reports on Repression in N. Korea

Under one of the most repressive regimes in the world, North Koreans have been stripped of their human rights to expression, thought, and religion, according a recent report on international religious freedom presented to the UN Commission on Human Rights.

The document, released by the Religious Liberty Commission (RLC) of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) reported that the Government's ideology, known as "Juche," enforces total veneration of Kim Jong II, the "Great Leader" of the country.

"Individuals or groups refusing to acknowledge him as are regarded as opposing the State's interests and are subject to severe persecution," the RLC stated in its report. "In particular, Kim Jong II views Christianity as one of his greatest threats. This violation directly contradicts North Korea's signature on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights."

According to the WEA Commission, the secretive regime ruling North Korea does not allow independent religious freedom monitoring. As a result, most information on persecution comes from Christians who have fled the country, as well as some from international human rights and religious advocacy groups that perform interviews and gather defector accounts. Visitors to the country report that the few churches that exist and function publicly are strictly controlled by the government; religious activity appears staged and sermons preach political content supporting the governing regime.

"The government’s continuing perception of religious groups as threats to the regime leads to tightened control and increased persecution of religious groups," the RLC reported further. "And although it is true all religions are forbidden, the state propaganda against Christians is overwhelming and non-believers are led to believe Christians are mad and disgusting."

The WEA Commission reports that members of underground Christian churches are often arrested and subjected to harsh punishment including imprisonment, forced labour, prolonged detention without charge, torture, or even immediate execution.

"Prison conditions in North Korea are harsh; sanitation is poor, starvation is common, access to basic necessities is scarce and forced labour is common," the RLC continued. "Routine punishment includes severe beatings, sexual assault, verbal abuse, sleep deprivation, water torture and execution."

According to the RLC, one routine execution of Christians is for the individual to be dragged through a crowd with a stone in their mouth to prevent them from crying out. "They are bound to a pole or crucifix with their bodies outstretched, then shot by an expert marksmen through the head, heart and stomach," it stated.

The RLC also reported that Christian prisoners were subjected to inhumane chemical and biological experiments. "Whole families are shoved into gas chambers to suffocate to death as scientists observe from a glass window above," the Commission wrote.

"Christians who refuse to renounce their faith or accept the State's ideologies have molten steel poured on their skin. It is said that ‘there is no more serious crime in North Korea than being a Christian,’" added the RLC.

"We appreciate that the [UN Commission on Human Rights] has passed a Resolution condemning human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea," the RLC stated in its concluding remarks. "We further appreciate the work of the Special Rapporteur."

The RLC urged the UN Commission to continue to press The DPRK to respect human rights, specifically, freedom of religion and allow provision of humanitarian assistance.

Kenneth Chan
Ecumenical Press