World Evangelical Alliance Goodwill Ambassador Visits Pakistan

The World Evangelical Alliance's Goodwill Ambassador, Rev Johan Candelin of Finland, is back after a one week fact finding trip to Pakistan.

Candelin's delegation visited Pakistan as representatives of the religious liberty initiative First Step Forum.

The delegation had talks with the leadership of the pro-democracy Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and other political party leaders like the Muslim League as part of their visit planned by PPP head Benazir Bhutto.

The delegation spoke to some 40 diplomats about religious freedom and democracy at a special dinner and met with the Ambassadors of Afghanistan, France, Canada, Austria, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

The delegation spent one full day with members of Pakistan's Christian minority and had personal meetings with victims of rape and women who have been forced into hiding because they are facing blasphemy charges.

Candelin said, "The only thing one can say for sure about the political situation in Pakistan now is that you cannot say anything for sure about the political situation in Pakistan.

"But we now have very good links for future co-operation with the leaders of the nation."

Candelin said the First Step Forum would keep its focus for the time being on protection of all minorities (including the Christians), the Sharia law, democracy and the protection of women.

"What happens in Pakistan has a major effect on the region and that is why we are committed to use all our networks to strengthen religious liberty and democracy in Pakistan," he added.

His delegation included Mrs Eija-Riitta Korhola of Finland and a member of the European Parliament; Mr James Reimer, Canada, Global Investment expert; Mr Tim Dean, UK, World Media Trust.

The First Step Forum is a global network of ambassadors, members of parliament, journalists, advocates and business investment experts working to secure religious liberty in all nations, as enshrined in Article 18 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

The forum is headed by Candelin, who is also Goodwill Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance, an alliance of 128 national evangelical alliances with the vision of extending the Kingdom of God by making disciples of all nations and by Christ-centered transformation within society.