World Evangelical Alliance Meeting Introduces New Executive Director

The 10th World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Mission Commission International Convocation has opened in Cape Town, South Africa with a keynote address from the outgoing Executive Director Dr. William Taylor.

Taylor used the opportunity to reflect on his 20 years of service to the global alliance. More than 300 participants, representing 54 countries, gathered for the ‘Global Issues Summit’, and listened intently as Taylor shared his experiences in expanding the organisation from a “part-time dream job with no pay” to a community of missiologists in 80 countries.

Taylor said, “From the very first day, my mentor told me there would be no money for salary, but the world is before you. Now, the dream has become a global current of relationships, and I’ve had the privilege of serving with collegial cross-cultural servants.”

Speaking about how God first called him to his position in 1986, Taylor thanked all that had helped him, “I have been shaped by the women and men that cared for me, invested in me, believed me, and loved me. And prime of these is my wife, Yvonne, my life partner and silent colleague in MC service.”