'World of Warcraft' patch updates: more details for 'Tomb of Sargeras' and Argus expansions confirmed

Promotional poster for new "World of Warcraft" patchworldofwarcraft.com

BlizzCon has been a pretty exciting affair, and it certainly made players more hyped up for the new patch update for "World of Warcraft." After all, there will be new artifacts to be obtained in the new patch, called "The Tomb of Sargeras." Blizzard also announced the release of a Make-A-Wish Charity pet that can be obtained by players.

According to Game N Guide, Patch 7.2 will give "World of Warcraft" players access to a new raid as well as the second part of the Class Order Campaign. Players who want to finish this campaign will certainly be excited to find themselves back on the Broken Shore for its continuation, allowing them to rebuild the base of the Legionfall and finally penetrate through the Burning Legion's defenses.

The new raid for "The Tomb of Sargeras" patch for "World of Warcraft" will enable players to test their mettle against nine new bosses and, if they are strong enough, conquer them all. Now, in order to gain access beneath the Tomb of Sargeras, players will need to obtain the fifth Pillar of Creation from the Nighthold.

However, according to the Game Rant, the patch after that will have something even more explosive for new players. After all, the "World of Warcraft" director — Ion Hazzikostas — indirectly said that the players will be leaving Azeroth altogether in the new patch. That means that the players will eventually find themselves in Argus, which will serve as another major patch for the "Legion" expansion for the game.

The implication for this is huge as Argus is the home planet of Sargeras and the Burning Legion. A lot of "World of Warcraft" players are excited to be able to stop the Legion once and for all by annihilating their main base and Sargeras's seat of power.

However, the time frame for both Patch 7.2 and 7.3 is yet to be revealed, unfortunately.