World Reformed Churches Must Have Global Vision

"Local churches need to take on a global vision", says Setri Nyomi, General Secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), in a series of addresses to pastors of his home church.

Rev Nyomi was speaking at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. He said, "It is up to the church to model a life-giving global vision that the Lord of the church has called us for. Our mission can be summarised as a call to follow the Lord Jesus whose self-understanding of mission includes a global vision which frees all who are oppressed, gives good news to the poor, clothes the naked, feeds the hungry and frees captives."

Speaking to the Evangelical Presbyterian Pastors' Association at Ho, Ghana, Rev Nyomi added, "Effective engagement in God's mission entails a creative play between the local and the global dimensions of our calling."

He called for reflection on the connection between local and global dimensions of church life so that the Reformed churches can become more effective in their ministry and remain relevant at the local level.

"If we are to be God's agents of transformation in the world, we cannot afford to ignore a global vision. In this vision we need a clear analysis of what is going on in our world in order to position ourselves to respond effectively. This has been a mark of Reformed self-understanding for centuries."

Rev Nyomi explained that the worldwide Reformed family cannot afford to be apathetic about the effects of globalisation, economic injustice, ecological degradation and violence.

To tackle these issues Reformed churches around the world need each other for the analysis they can provide as well as for the stories they can share about the various expressions of the injustice in the world, she shared.

"The churches in other parts of the world need us. No part of the church ought to entertain a feeling of being alone. We are a big family. When one suffers, all suffer. For example, when in the 24th General Council of WARC we developed the Accra Confession, it was because we believed we can covenant together to make a difference on the basis of our faith. It takes a global vision to see this as relevant to our calling."

Rev Nyomi said that throughout the history of the Alliance there has been a good blend of global vision and local action, particularly around the efforts to dismantle apartheid and the continuing work for gender justice.

"The call to have a global vision is not simply an end in itself. It is meant to strengthen our ability to engage in effective prophetic action. Such actions will be general and of very little relevance to local communities in which we live unless they are strongly connected to local action."

Rev Nyomi said local churches can, for example, create the space for congregational members to understand how the globalised neoliberal economic system is affecting the local community and then call for action. While ministering to local needs they can advocate for change globally.

The WARC general secretary also called for a healing of divisions within churches, including those within the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana.

"The Bible says we should seek peace and pursue it. By the love that exists among us, others will know we are Christians.

"We should do everything possible to overcome divisions."