World Religions Exhibition to Explore Multi-Faiths

|TOP|The World Religions Exhibition will take place later this month at St John the Baptist Church in Bishop’s Castle, with the aim of mounting a major exhibition of world faiths.

The major exhibition will be opened by the Bishop of Ludlow on 29th April and will last for three weeks.

David Preshous, Exhibition Coordinator for the Shropshire church said, “We live in a very rural and relatively remote area and having few people from ethnic minorities get very little first hand experience of other World Religions.”

He added, “We felt that as reconciliation between the major faiths was important, a starting point for us was to learn about other people’s beliefs.”

|AD|The exhibition will look to provide an insight into most of the major religions in the world, with small teams of church members working on three different aspects of Christianity, Religions in China, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism Sikhism Hinduism and Early Belief Systems.

Bishop Michael Hooper, who will open the exhibition, has expressed his delight at being involved in the project, saying, “I think this is a very clever and entertaining way of learning about other faiths, which is vital in the multi-cultural world outside our counties.”

The exhibition will also look to attract a host of local schools to the event on 15th May in a widely promoted special schools day.

The exhibition organisers have stated that it is gathering artefacts from all faiths for visitors to explore and understand the different cultures more deeply.

The World Religions Exhibition will be opened by Bishop Michael Hooper at 11am on Saturday 29th April in the Parish Church of St John the Baptist in Bishop’s Castle and will remain in church until Saturday 20th May.