World Theologians Set to Debate Theological Basis of Cruelty

Twenty-five theologians from all over the world will gather near Lausanne, Switzerland, on 5 to 8 December, to debate why and to what extent cruelty can be considered as a new theme for theological reflection.

The meeting, which will take place in the town of Crêt-Bérard, is being treated as a top priority following the consistent waves of publicity that have engulfed various issues across the globe over recent years.

The gathering will focus on the theological basis to assess such issues as political detainees in Iraq and Guantanamo, Lebanon caught between Hezbollah and Israel, current and past genocides, atrocities against the Dalits, the use of rape as a war weapon, various forms of terrorism and counter-terrorism, torture, xenophobia and racism, domestic violence - all are instances where cruelty has been publicised by the worldwide media.

The World Council of Churches (WCC), in the run up to the event, has brought up several questions for consideration: "What is cruelty? Is it a truly new theological topos? What does it do to the humanity of the victim as well as of the perpetrator? How does cruelty make reconciliation a hard and complex process as its "contagious" trauma results in endless cycles of violence? And most importantly, how can churches respond to the different manifestations of cruelty?"

Organised by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the gathering of theologians will address the issue of cruelty beyond its common portrayal as a mere behavioural trait - a perspective which relegates it to the realm of psychology.

They will focus on the often ignored fact that cultures, traditions as well as social, economic and political structures have been cruel, as well as creating an ethos that "enables" people to become cruel.