World Vision Aids Typhoon Disaster in the Philippines

Following the devastating loss of life and property caused by Typhoon Durian, World Vision Philippines has launched an initial appeal for US$1 million through its offices around the world to enable an immediate aid response.

The typhoon hit the Bicol Region, particularly the provinces of Catanduanes, Albay, Camarines Sur and Marinduque early 30 November. Mudslides, triggered by the heavy rains of the typhoon, have left thousands homeless, covering villages with mud and boulders, and killing hundreds.

World Vision declared yesterday the emergency a Category One level disaster as it concentrates the relief effort through the national office, but could increase this to a higher category once the three World Vision Philippines assessment teams have returned from the field and reported their findings.

Likewise, the plea for US$1 million is likely to be increased once there is a clearer picture of the devastation wreaked by the typhoon and a possibility of a response based on an understanding of some of the longer-term needs.

With road and telecom connections severely disrupted it has been extremely difficult to stay in touch with the three assessment teams that were dispatched on Saturday. They are expected to return to their base in Legazpi City over the next few hours. A review of the category status will be made in 48 hours.