World Vision Australia Criticises Big Brother Decision

The head of World Vision Australia has criticised the decision from the producers of Big Brother in Australia not to tell one of the housemates that her father has died.

While the rest of Australia already know, contestant Emma Cornell, a 24-year-old model and personal trainer, is yet to hear that her father has died of cancer and will only find out the news when she is evicted or if she wins the reality TV show.

According to reports, Ms Cornell had been estranged from her father, Raymond Cornell, for the last six years and was only communicating with him by text message at the time she entered the Big Brother house one month ago.

Mr Cornell, 53, was in a hospice suffering from cancer at the time his daughter went on the show.

Just before his death, Mr Cornell asked family members not to tell his daughter about his death while she was still on the show. The producers have also decided not to break the news to Ms Cornell, a decision which has prompted severe criticism. They have not given any more details on when they plan to tell her.

Tim Stanton, Miss Cornell's boyfriend, came out in support of the family and Big Brother producers: "If a man's telling you this while he's dying, you're going to respect his wishes."

He added: "Her Dad didn't want her to be upset, or to feel like she had to leave the house to come to his funeral," he explained. "He didn't want to ruin the experience for her. She might be upset when she comes out and finds out what has happened, but I think she'll understand."

Others have opposed the decision on ethical grounds. Tim Costello, head of World Vision Australia, said: "Will they break the news on air to her, for ratings?

"This is patent ethical irresponsibility," he said, adding that Ms Cornell would "suffer guilt and possibly resentment for the rest of her life".

A spokesman for the producers of Big Brother in Australia said: "We're abiding by her family's wishes in not informing her. We're just respecting their wishes."

Mr Cornell was buried on Monday.