World Vision Aids Flood Crisis in Mozambique

World Vision has recently distributed 150 metric tonnes of food to communities in the city of Mutarara, following the devastating floods in Mozambique.

An estimated 120,000 people have been displaced from their homes in central Mozambique and half the displaced population are residing in emergency shelters whilst the remainder are in resettlement areas.

Speaking from the flood-hit region, World Vision's Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs Co-ordinator, Joseph Kamara, said, "Conditions are atrocious throughout the region. Most roads and crop fields are underwater and things could get even worse." He reported that given the inaccessibility of the main local roads, aid is being channelled by air and boat.

In addition to the 150 metric tonnes of emergency food provided through the World Food Programme, World Vision is facilitating the delivery of 20,000 mosquito nets with concern of the possible outbreak of epidemics, as well as water purifiers, fuel and tents to the affected areas.

Mutarara District Administrator Alexandre Faite commented, "We are grateful for the support that has been given to us. It looked as if were going to have an excellent harvest this year. Not anymore."

When asked what Christians in the UK can do, Joseph Kamara said, "Please ask them to pray for us so that we may respond to this need appropriately. There are many lives at risk here. Many people are distressed. Fifty per cent of the population of Mozambique are children. Please pray that the Lord will protect people especially from disease."