World Vision Feeding 130,000 Tsunami Survivors in Aceh, Indonesia

Last month in Aceh Province, Indonesia, World Vision supplied food to more than 130,000 tsunami survivors.

According to Jacques Birugurugu, World Vision commodities manager in Banda Aceh, World Vision is "delivering approximately 2,000 tons [of food] per month."

Food such as rice, fish, vegetable oil and noodles are being delivered to the survivors at a timely basis, supplied by the World Food Programme, one of World Vision's major partners in Aceh. World Vision has gained a reputation in Aceh for delivering food efficiently.

Tsunami survivors receiving aid include: People who have lost their homes and now live in Temporary Living Centers, tents and other camps; People who live with host families, and those families who have made room for others; and people who still have a home, but have lost their jobs and livelihoods due to the tsunami.

At this point, World Vision is planning to continue food distribution in Aceh until at least December. Food distributions will be needed in Aceh for the foreseeable future.

Cindy Lee
Christian Today Correspondent