World Vision New Zealand Raises $50,000 for Solomon Crisis

World Vision New Zealand has raised $50,000 NZD in public donations following the recent Solomon Islands earthquake and tsunami.

"It's such an awesome response and typical of Kiwis' willingness to give in times of need. Over the weekend, our donations absolutely skyrocketed, and we expect this surge of generosity to continue," Lisa Cescon, World Vision New Zealand CEO, said.

She said the donations would go toward establishing health and sanitation facilities, rebuilding homes and providing emergency supplies such as blankets, soap, basic cooking utensils and buckets.

An 8.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northwest Solomons on 2 April, triggering a tsunami that killed upwards of 40 people and left thousands homeless.

The town of Gizo continues to be the worst hit, with its buildings and infrastructure completely destroyed and hospitals still struggling to provide medical assistance after water flooded the building - many residents now have to sleep in the open in the hills above the town.