World Vision provides solution to your endless Christmas card list

|PIC1|Every Christmas it's the same dilemma - how and when will you find the time and energy to sign and write a message on dozens, if not hundreds of Christmas cards for friends, colleagues and family?

World Vision this year is offering Christmas shoppers a giant solution.

The charity has designed a huge Alternative Christmas Card, where everyone from a church, office or school can write a personal seasonal greeting to each other and then place it in a central place or notice board, for all to see and share.

This initiative not only means less stress and time spent writing, but more importantly all the money that is saved from not buying Christmas cards this year will be collected and sent to World Vision - enabling the charity to work with many of the world's poorest children, their families and communities.

"The Alternative Christmas Card is a great way to cut out the hassle of writing individual Christmas cards at church, school or the office while doing something good in the process. You get one big, beautiful card which everyone signs in exchange for a small donation," says Church Relations Manager Alistair Metcalfe. "This Christmas we're raising money for a greenhouse building project in Caripuyo, Bolivia, helping children and their families grow more and better food in an area where farming is almost impossible."

Metcalfe continued: "Last year, we raised over £100,000, thanks to the public's kind generosity. The money went to support families in Angola. This year we're hoping to beat this target."

The Alternative Christmas Card is delivered with a donation sheet, a simple way to track everyone's donations, along with inspirational examples of how the donation will help to improve lives.

There's a colourful label for the collection jar and a return envelope. Each card has space for approximately 50 greetings, but World Vision can send as many cards as churches need.

To order your free Alternative Christmas Card pack, please visit