'World War Z' movie sequel's fresh start; Brad Pitt to be replaced?


The movie adaptation of "World War Z" earned millions worldwide, and talks about a possible sequel became rife as soon as the first film hit theaters. But the rumors about the sequel died down after a while, until the film's writer Steven Knight revealed his plans for the new movie. 

In an interview posted on IndieWire, the writer-turned-director said that things will be different in the second "World War Z" movie.

"It's not quite like the other, we're starting with clean slate. When they've signed off we're on," Knight said. 

Lead actor and film producer Brad Pitt earlier told CinemaBlend that the plan for the next installment of the film adaptation of Max Brooks' phenomenal bestselling novel with the same title began with several ideas in mind. After Knight's current statement, fans can expect that the new movie will be nothing like the first one. 

But could this mean that Pitt will be replaced in the coming sequel? 

The first "World War Z" movie earned harsh criticisms from fans after the plot veered away from the original story in the book, wherein the protagonist is a reporter who documents a series of individual narrations from different people around the world, speaking of their experiences when the zombie outbreak started. 

If the new sequel of the film will be given a completely new treatment, it could mean that a new roster of actors will be included in the movie. It might also involve a time jump, probably during the time before the zombie outbreak began to spread all over the world. 

Currently, Knight is busy working on different projects such as the script for Tobey Maguire's "Pawn Sacrifice" as well as the soon-to-be released BBC series "Taboo" produced by Ridley Scott. 

The production for the "World War Z" sequel will begin in October, while it is expected to be released sometime in 2016.