Worldwide Search for New BWA General Secretary Begins
Following the announced retirement of General Secretary Denton Lotz of the Baptist World Alliance, a new General Secretary will be elected at the Annual Gathering set for Accra, Ghana, in July 2007.
Lotz gave notice of his retirement at the BWA Executive meeting in March of this year, and will leave office December 31, 2007.
A worldwide search will begin to replace the CEO, who has been in the position since 1988, and will have spent a total of twenty seven years with the organisation. Lotz previously served as Director of Evangelism and Education and Director of Youth Ministries from 1980.
Lotz, who prior to joining the BWA was a missionary and seminary professor in Eastern and Central Europe. He succeeded Gerhard Claas, a German, upon his untimely death in a motor vehicle accident in California.