Worship leader tweets Bible chapter by chapter

A church worship leader recently set out on a three-year journey to tweet the entire Bible – one chapter at a time.

Chris Juby, 30, began his modern-day proclamation of the Bible on August 8. He expects to complete it by November 2013.

Every day, he condenses a chapter of the Bible into less than 140 characters.

“It is my normal habit to read a chapter of the Bible each morning and I always read through from Genesis to Revelation,” Juby, director of worship at King’s Church, Durham, told The Telegraph.

“As I was coming to the end last time, I thought I needed a way of focusing my mind a little bit more on what I was reading. I thought a summary would be a good way of doing this. I already use Twitter, so I thought I’d share my summaries.”

Juby had read the entire Bible three times before undertaking his tweeting plan.

As of Wednesday, he has more than 10,500 people following his Twitter account, @biblesummary.

“[P]eople – even Christians – do not tend to read the whole Bible,” remarked Juby. “It is perhaps regarded as a bit oddball thing to do. I hope in doing the summary, it will inspire people to read the Bible for themselves.

“My summaries are no substitute for the real thing,” he added.

A similar effort was made by German Christians last year. More than 3,000 Christians in Germany participated in a church project to condense more than 31,000 verses of the Bible into 4,000 tweets.

A book compiling all the tweets was released at the Frankfurt Book Fair last October.

Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has grown to more than 100 million users worldwide.