Wrestlemania 32 news, rumors: Sting vs. Undertaker on the backburner?

Steve Borden aka StingWikimedia Commons

With the success of Wrestlemania 31 delivered, WWE fans can't wait to see how Wrestlemania 32 can top the record-breaking showing of the annual wrestling extravaganza.

There were a lot of firsts last March, and one of the top draws was that classic meeting of iconic wrestling legends, Sting and Triple H.

It was a first for the WWE, with both stars recalling the days when the WWE and WCW tried to outdo each other. It was also the first time that WCW face Sting participated in a Wrestlemania event. Triple H eventually won the match, but the ending was a sight to behold -- a show of respect between the known factions of the WWE and the WCW.

And as many know, the billing wasn't the original plan to be staged. It was supposed to be Sting facing off against the Undertaker, but the WWE went with a Triple H vs. Sting match instead.

But all was supposedly not lost on a Sting vs. Undertaker matchup, something that was reportedly reserved for next year's Wrestlemania. Both Sting and Undertaker actually shared a locker at Wrestlemania 31, and the two reportedly discussed the stuff they can do next year.

However, the decision to push through with that possible showdown will fall into the hands of Vince McMahon, WWE CEO. The latest report is that McMahon was not too keen on setting up a match between the two wrestlers, both of whom were already in their 50s. The match is reportedly not included in the possible cards lined up for Wrestlemania 32, to be held in April at the AT&T Stadium.

The matchup could easily be the WWE's answer to the question of how to fill up the big stadium, with a seating capacity of 100,000, and improve on its last record-setting attendance which stands at 76,976 spectators. The WWE CEO wants to fill up the area, and many felt that a Sting vs. Undertaker matchup was the way to go.

Despite the reported cancellation of the match, the WWE still has upcoming plans for the man, also known as the Vigilante, something which may most likely include an induction to the WWE Hall of Fame.