WrestleMania 32 rumors: Batista looking for a more credible role

Batista[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Will Beardmor]

Dave Batista has long been gone from the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) scene and is technically following the footsteps of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson over in Hollywood.

Even though their fortunes are a whole lot different at the moment, Batista has starred in various movies constantly. Everyone saw him at "Guardians of the Galaxy" and most recently at the James Bond flick "Spectre."

Even though his film commitments are not as public since he is normally in the supporting cast, the fact remains he also has a busy filming schedule.

Just recently, there were rumors linking "The Animal" to a possible appearance at WrestleMania 32. According to the rumor, Batista was being offered a special guest referee role, although it wasn't mentioned which match. It would have likely been the one between Triple H and Roman Reigns if the storyline is not altered.

Batista reportedly turned down the offer for one reason or another. The good news though is that while he's not interested in being a special guest referee, he is not closing the doors on a different role for the annual WWE spectacle.

His movie schedule reportedly conflicts as well with the staging of WrestleMania in Dallas. So that could be one reason why he has found it difficult to commit to the initial offer, similar to that of Johnson's case.

Also, there is that same angle where Batista could be drawn back by insurance issues. Like The Rock, it is likely that he would be prohibited from engaging in physical activities that could lead to some injury.

Seeing him merely appear may not be the best option, though. Batista is a known figure in the WWE, although compared to high profile stars like The Rock, Batista's popularity may not be that big.

With a special guest referee looming for that match involving Triple H and Reigns, maybe some other star will be returning soon to fill in. How about Shawn Michaels who is the most recent star being linked to a possible WrestleMania 32 appearance?