WrestleMania 32 rumors: Hulk Hogan shoots down possible WWE return

Hulk Hogan admits that ‘eight years ago I used offensive language during a conversation’ but is now apologising for having done it.Reuters

With the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in dire straits, it may be time to look at the WWE legends list, both official and taken out. There are a lot of names likely to come out and one name that stands out is Hulk Hogan.

Hogan is, of course, no longer connected with the WWE after that controversial racist rant from a sex tape that came out in the open. The Hulksters has since been severed by the WWE with no traces of him on WWE.com.

Despite that separation, Hogan has remained optimistic that he would someday return to the WWE scene. And on that note, the rumor mill has gone wild about the possibility of seeing Hogan back and in time for WrestleMania 32.

The expectations are understandable at this point since the WWE does have its problems on whom to book. Majority of their main stars such as John Cena, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, and Seth Rollins are injured and the WWE has to make ends meet by probably gambling on thin storylines at Arlington, Texas.

Sadly, Hogan himself denied any word about him possibly returning to the WWE this early,although some people remain optimistic that he would.

Seeing Hogan back at this point would have been perfect since he did say before that he wanted to be part of WrestleMania 32 before that racist issue came about.

It may take, however, a lot of talking between him and WWE chairman Vince McMahon to make it work. The possibility is not farfetched, but the timing could be a bit off.

Had this issue been two or three years old already, the probability of seeing both sides to kiss and make up would have been easier. As things stand now, it may be a tough call even if the WWE could use a star caliber personality like Hogan this April.