Wrestlemania 32 rumors: Should Roman Reigns face Triple H or Brock Lesnar?

Roman Reigns[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Megan Elice Meadows]

The 2016 World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Royal Rumble is nearing and right now, two names are being groomed as Roman Reigns' eventual rival — Brock Lesnar and WWE COO Triple H.

For Lesnar, it's something that he is technically forced into when Vince and Stephanie McMahon told him up straight that he needs to be in the Rumble instead of getting a free ride to WrestleMania 32.

With Paul Heyman and Lesnar helpless, Lesnar came out and made it clear that he wants the WWE heavyweight title belt. But to get it, he would have to go the same route as Reigns — fend off 29 other star until he is the lone man standing.

With Lesnar's power, that should be achievable. But is that what the WWE would call for?

Someone who has become a sudden favorite is Triple H. It is believed that the WWE COO will be in the rumble and screw Reigns out of the title. Somehow, it doesn't add up if that happens this early stage.

The belief is that Reigns will win the Rumble for the second year in a row, but the question is against whom?

The DailyDDT has come up with a sane scenario which would see Reigns and Lesnar be the last men in the ring on Sunday. Reigns could eventually eliminate Lesnar somehow, but the Beast will take exception.

With that said, the two could eventually start a new storyline that would make it a main event tiff for the next WWE pay-per-view (PPV), Fastlane.

If this is the case, it means Triple H appearing at the Rumble may not happen. Instead, it could happen at Fastlane which makes sense since it would pave the way for their much rumored clash at WrestleMania 32.

It remains to be seen if this is the route the WWE will take but if one connects the dots, it does make sense and straighten things out.