WWE Battleground news: Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar looms

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As everyone knows by now, Seth Rollins was able to fend off a crazy Dean Ambrose at Money in the Bank. Rollins did everything on his own and has practically shut himself out of the Authority's shadows.

The triumph was indeed a statement for Rollins but now he may have to face a bigger adversary with the much awaited return of Brock Lesnar.

Yes folks, Lesnar is back and he is not happy. He wants a title-shot and that could possibly come as early as WWE Battleground.

Rumors about the long delayed rematch originally hinted that it could happen by SummerSlam. But an apparent change in plans may have altered all that.

If so, Rollins has no choice but to face up to the Beast. It stands to be the ultimate test if he is indeed worthy of hanging on to that title belt. It won't be easy seeing that the Authority is no longer around to help though he could always mend ties before WWE Battleground comes around.

WWE Battleground is set for July 19 and seeing that Lesnar is back in harness, a Rollins vs. Lesnar match is practically to be expected.

In a related development, it seems that Rollins will lose the title at Battleground if reports are true that he would be facing Triple H at WWE SummerSlam. Either that or the title will not be on the line or it may be up for grabs with Rollins winning over the WWE COO.

However another matchup being cooked involves Lesnar and Roman Reigns. It will be recalled that their first meeting at Wrestlemania 31 proved nothing since Rollins cashed in and won the WWE Heavyweight title.

If the two forces do collide, it could be to settle an old score which never really proved who was the better of both. But will the WWE title be on the line?

Heading into Battleground, it seems the focus will be who will go home with the WWE title. Will it still be Rollins or will Lesnar retrieve his lost belt which was snuck out under his very nose at Wrestlemania 31?