WWE 2015 news: Alberto Del Rio deal revealed

Alberto Del Rio[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Megan Elice Meadows]

Alberto Del Rio's surprise return still baffles many, especially considering that he seems to be doing well in the AAA and Lucha Underground.

Earlier this month, word about the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) considering Del Rio to return was in the air, but no one really though it was this immediate. As it turned out, the numbers game came into play and viola — Del Rio is once again back in the WWE scene.

WWE has been trying to find a way to boost up its Hispanic niche and it all came down to either Del Rio or Carlitos. Apparently, the WWE failed to strike a deal with Carlitos but things turned out for the good with a more active and established star in Del Rio.

According to sources, Del Rio signed a deal worth about $1.45 million but with a reduced schedule. With that said, he now has one of the best deals in the professional wrestling industry, paid more for less work.

But while his return is indeed a welcome development, it poses the question on how he can relinquish the AAA Mega Title the he currently held before making that surprise appearance at WWE Hell in a Cell.

He could return to drop the title, but it seems that his busy schedule is preventing him from traveling back to Mexico to do so. Other than that, he has a lot of other future bookings as well, including one for an AAA event to be held on Nov. 15 in Ciudad Juárez.

It remains to be seen what the AAA and Del Rio end up agreeing on. One thing is for sure, Del Rio will be pretty busy from hereon.

In fact, he has been chosen to take the place of Randy Orton who is out due to an injury for the WWE's scheduled European tour this month. That makes it all the more impossible for Del Rio to formally relinquish the title back to the AAA.