WWE 2015 news: Hornswoggle in hot water

Hornswoggle[photo: Commons Wikimedia/KakkoiiTGN]

Hornswoggle, Dylan Postl in real life, is rarely seen in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) scene these days and may likely stay that way with reports that the WWE has suspended him for 30 days for violating the WWE Wellness Policy.

Hornswoggle has been on and off the WWE scene since undergoing back surgery back in March and the latest development will at least keep him out of the scene for the next month.

He made his WWE debut way back in 2005 when he appeared alongside a former WWE star Finlay as a leprechaun character. He was more of a distraction and handler than someone who competed in the ring, although he did manage to win the WWE Cruiserweight at one point at the expense of Jamie Noble.

Per rumors, clarify that Hornswoggle was not actually found using a banned substance. Instead, Hornswoggle was reportedly surprised with a random urine test at his home but the little man was unable to produce such in the allotted window time of three hours and was hence classified as failed.

The violation is Hornswoggle's first.

The surprise test is a protocol done by the WWE. Although talents are informed a couple of hours before the test is carried out, they do undertake unannounced tests. All WWE talents are tested a minimum of four times a year.

Since his shoulder surgery, Hornswoggle has been limited to web video appearances rather than in the ring. Among his last performances include that of being a manager for the Slater-Gator team that had Heath Slater and Titus O' Neil teaming up. Aside from that, he also had a feud with El Torito last year

The suspension does come as a surprise considering Hornswoggle was a virtual no-show in the WWE as of late. And while many thought he was no longer on the roster, well, apparently, he is at least for now.