WWE 2015 news: Hulk Hogan gets blessing for Wrestlemania 32 Match

Hulk HoganWikipedia

Hulk Hogan, 61, had previously hinted that he wanted a match at Wrestlemania 32 which will be held in Dallas. Though some of his wishes seemed to be a bit out of sync, many initially thought the WWE Hall of Famer's outlook was a bit extreme.

But with reports that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has agreed Hogan to take part in an actual match come Wrestlemania 32, it looks like Hogan's wish has been granted. But the catch is that he has to pass a physical exam before being allowed to compete at the Wrestlemania event next year.

At 61, many believe that Hogan should be satisfied with where he is right now. But it seems that the Hulkster had grown jealous, especially seeing his part in Wrestlemania 31 and seeing the current WWE superstars wrestle in front of a big crowd.

Hogan had initially hinted that he would love to have one last match, a title match at that. Though it seems highly improbable, Hogan may have to settle for a special match perhaps with another WWE legend that has yet to be named.

Rumors had it that Hogan wanted to face Steve Austin for calling him names. However, it doesn't seem feasible at this point since we all know that Austin may have to get medical clearance to compete as well.

Sting could be another option but everyone probably knows by now that he is expected to face off against the Undertaker. Sting vs. Undertaker could have happened this year but the WWE decided to make it a match between Sting and Triple H.

Triple H could be an option but rumors have it that he will be facing off against Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. So who is left for Hogan to wrestle with?

There are a lot of stars in the current WWE roster who could fill that void but at 61, the WWE may become apprehensive of how that would turn out. Can you imagine Hogan facing Lesnar? The outcome is apparently obvious.

Hogan's participation, assuming he passes the physical, can surely be a crowd-drawer. But it may all depend on who he would face at Wrestlemania 32.