WWE 2015 rumors: Jessamyn Duke to be added to Divas roster?

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Earlier this month we did post a story about Nikki Bella looking for new competition but from the WWE NXT ranks. But now it looks like she may be getting more than what she bargained for with rumors that a current UFC star could be coming on board the WWE Divas bandwagon.

It isn't Ronda Rousey as many would be wishing for. Rather, she is someone associated with the UFC Bantamweight champion and she goes by the name of Jessamyn Duke.

Duke stands to be a perfect fit for the WWE. She is a former professional model but has yet to strike it big in the UFC.

Duke is set to face Elizabeth Phillips on July 25 where another loss could lead to her being cut from the UFC roster. She had previously lost two fights and a third loss could spell doom.

Duke has however met Phillips before in the amateur ranks (2012) and won using a guillotine choke. It however remains to see if she could duplicate that feat.

Should she lose and the UFC decided to cut her, the WWE seems to be more than happy to welcome Duke to their fold.

The WWE plans to include the former model and fighter to the WWE Diva Search, the company's reality show contest where fans would be voting on attractive women to become the company's newest WWE Diva.

The WWE seems confident that Duke will come on board. In fact, rumors have it that the WWE creative team has already lined up TV storyline ideas should the WWE snag her from the UFC.

All that remains in the air for now since it will all depend on what happens in her match at UFC on Fox 16 on July 25. Also, it could depend if the UFC would indeed cut her so these plans will have to wait at least for now.