WWE 2015 news: Tyson Kidd badly injured?

Tyson KiddWikipedia

Tyson Kidd seems to be seriously out with reports that the WWE superstar has suffered a serious spinal injury after his dark match with Samoa Joe on Monday night RAW.

Though Kidd did receive the proper medical attention after the match, the injury seems to be more serious than what many had initially thought.

Natalya posted on Instagram thanking supporters for their concern though she did not reveal the full extent of the injury by her husband.

Kidd's full condition has been kept under wraps in what seems to be a new policy being applied by the WWE when it comes to disclosing injuries. In short, it is something that people should not be talking about though that doesn't seem to be the case if rumors are to be considered.

The latest word from the WWE is that Kidd is still undergoing medical testing and hence the reason why no official announcement has been made just yet. The incident was labeled as a freak occurrence and something that could not have been prevented.

Assuming that Kidd's injury is serious as feared, it may keep out the 34 year old Canadian out of action for some time. A spine injury is something deemed very serious which if not allowed to heal properly could result in paralysis.

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Kidd (Theodore James Rogers in real life) is currently teamed up with Cesaro as a tag team. Their team up reaped dividends allowing them to capture the WWE tag team titles back in February. The reign though was short-lived after they lost the tag team titles at WWE Extreme Rules to the New Day.

With Kidd out indefinitely, Cesaro could be pushed to singles competition for the time-being unless the WWE finds someone else to pair with him.

Kidd's injury appends a list of WWE superstars who have been bit by the injury bug lately. That list includes Rusev and Sami Zayn.