WWE 2015 news, rumors: Wrestlemania 32 could feature Steve Austin

Steve AustinWikipedia

Everyone has probably heard how Steve Austin is not exactly having the best of relationships with the WWE these days, owing to the podcast and merchandise issue. And his absence at Wrestlemania 31 all the more placed fuel on the fire but as the Rattlesnake claims, all is well.

Apparently all these will be put to rest now that rumors are swirling that Austin will be part of Wrestlemania 32. With the event being held in Texas, the event simply must include Austin which should make next year's event truly star studded.

To date, there are already a couple of things to look forward to.

One is the said match that would involve Sting and the Undertaker, something which should have taken place this year. Instead it was Sting vs. Triple H which the latter won. That match saw the appearance of the old Degeneration X and the NWO which gained tremendous approval from the WWE fans.

Aside from that, there is that match involving Hulk Hogan. Hogan gained the nod of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon provided he passed a physical exam. On who Hogan would face remains to be seen, probably his send-off match.

Unconfirmed was this match between the Rock and Triple H. This was supposed to be a mixed tag match involving Stephanie McMahon and Ronda Rousey. However, many may have heard by now that UFC President Dana White may not allow his bantamweight champion to participate in the WWE. Of course it is still too early and there is a chance that Rousey could be allowed.

And with Austin showing up as well, you can bet that Wrestlemania 32 promises to be a slambang affair which could break the previous record set by Wrestlemania 31 this year.

Also, will Austin wrestle or just make an appearance and deliver a Stone Cold Stunner?

Austin says he will make a major announcement soon, a major press announcement. However it remains to be seen if this would be tied up to wrestling or not.