WWE 2015 Payback Main event announced: Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins

WWE Payback Main Event posterWWE.com

After the 'I Quit' match between United States champion John Cena and Rusev was announced early during WWE Extreme Rules, another match has been made official.

The main event for WWE Payback will see a Triple-Threat match to determine who will be the WWE Heavyweight champion, currently held by Seth Rollins.

It will be recalled that Rollins successfully retained the title at WWE Extreme Rules when he used Randy Orton's RKO move against him inside a steel cage. Rollins got some help from J& J security as well as Kane to retain his WWE title.

Claiming that the move was illegal, Orton demanded for a rematch. Kane said that Orton did have a point since the RKO was technically banned during the match. But everything became more interesting when Roman Reigns entered the picture.

After winning over the Big Show in a Last Man Standing match, Reigns believes he deserves a shot at Rollins' title. To recall, Rollins cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase during the Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar main event during Wrestlemania 31. Rollins pinned Reigns to become the WWE Heavyweight champion.

Kane, who himself is not fond of Rollins, seemed to agree with both Orton and Reigns and claimed that both had valid points. So to settle the conflict, Kane left it up to the fans who could vote using the WWE app.

Initially it was to determine who between Orton and Reigns would be facing Rollins. Kane eventually added one more option – the Triple Threat Match – which garnered the most number of votes.

The match is nothing new for the ones who have been following the rumors. Sad to say, it is believed that Rollins will still win this one.

If the storyline stays the course, Rollins could lose the title at Summer Slam where he is expected to go face to face with former champion, Brock Lesnar.

Though the pairing seems a bit lopsided and obviously favour to Lesnar recapturing his WWE title, it still depends on what the WWE has planned ahead.