WWE rumors 2015: Dolph Ziggler and Lana dating and in real relationship?

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/Chris Van Vliet]

In the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), all stars have to play their part well. This may go as far as outside the WWE circle, which, to many, is a crucial part of making people believe that there is more than what the WWE Creative Team comes up with.

Relationships are no different. We have seen them in the past such as the time of the late Randy Savage and Elizabeth, Lita and Edge and, of course, CM Punk and AJ Lee who are a real-life couple.

To date, the WWE seems to be trying to sell Lana and Dolph Ziggler as a couple; although many know now that in real life, Lana is linked to Rusev.

If storylines are to be believed, it may seem that Lana and Rusev are over and done with since everyone knows that Lana has jumped aboard Ziggler's ship. But the question is — to what extent?

The real score between Rusev and Lana remains questionable for now as the two have been mum ever since the WWE storylines called for the split. And to make it look real, Ziggler seems to be trying to make most believe that he and Lana are indeed a real life couple.

Both were partying in New York City and Ziggler claims in an interview that the two are moving beyond that, per se, a real relationship. Could it be infatuation or a selling point tied up with their current storyline?

Ziggler claims they are more than friends but like most who have followed this love triangle, not all are totally sold. Rusev may be out of the picture for now but it doesn't seem to follow that the two have hit it off well.

Is Ziggler living the role to the hilt or is he conning WWE fans to believe that he and Land do have a thing going? You be the judge. Check out the video of that interview below.