WWE 2015 rumors: Kevin Nash joining WWE Hall of Fame 2015 Class?

Kevin NashWikipedia

Kevin Nash has had his time in the WWE and without a doubt deserves to be included in the list of legendary wrestlers who have helped mold the world of wrestling entertainment.

And with news that the 'Diesel' (or Big Daddy as many know him) is being considered as one of the inductees for the 2015 Hall of Fame class, such should be a no-brainer.

Nash is a former heavyweight title holder and started out in the WCW (World Championship Wrestling). But upon the request of Shawn Michaels, Nash joined the WWE in 1993. He started out as a bodyguard for Michaels before eventually getting into the ring and winning titles (Intercontinental Championship and the World Heavyweight Title in 1994).

Nash however was best known for founding the New World Order (NWO) together with Hulk Hogan and Scott Hall in the WCW which was eventually carried into the WWE.

All of that aside, Big Daddy Cool or Diesel is certainly a figure the WWE Universe will never forget. Nash is a hands-down choice to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame which would be fitting since it would mean him joining friends Hall and Hogan in the elite circle.

Despite all that being unofficial for now, the chances of seeing Nash being named the fourth (or fifth) member for the WWE Hall of Fame class for 2015 seems to be imminent. Already inducted this year were the late Randy "The Macho Man" Savage, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Rikishi.

Aside from Nash, Ivan Koloff is another wrestler that is under consideration. Koloff was best known as a hell during his heyday and certainly another WWE personality that deserves to be in the Hall of Fame class.