WWE 2015 rumors: Rollins finisher not officially banned

Seth RollinsWikimedia Commons

Current WWE heavyweight champion Seth Rollins is best known for his seemingly controversial finished known as the Curb Stomp but now the WWE clarifies that it wasn't 'officially' banning the said move.

Rather, the WWE wanted Rollins to use a different kind of finisher that could be used anywhere and anyone.

The initial belief was that the company had wanted to join other sports bodies to pay more attention to moves which could result in concussions and head injuries. Such was the said reason why Rollins' original move was banned for use and the reason why Rollins used a different finisher on Dolph Ziggler during their match on RAW (thanks to some outside interference from Sheamus).

For those who were unable to catch it, the move was somehow similar to that of Dean Ambrose 'Dirty Deeds' (or a double-arm DDT). You can check it out in the video below.

Ironically, Rollins opponent at Extreme Rules had a similar issue before. Everyone knows of course the patented RKO which incidentally cannot be used by the Viper as per the stipulation of their match.

However, Orton had another move known as the punt kick. His punt kick finisher is still around but not used as much like before if you have seen Orton in action as of late.

So will we see Rollins new move at Extreme Rules? Most likely.

Rollins is set to face Randy Orton for the WWE Heavyweight championship although it looks like Rollins will still come out the winner. As to how that will transpire remains to be seen.

Further rumors reveal that Rollins will once again defend his title in a Triple Threat match against Orton and Roman Reigns at WWE Payback. Again, Rollins is expected to come out the victor.

So when does Rollins lose?

Chances are it could happen at WWE SummerSlam when he comes face-to-face with Brock Lesnar. So don't be surprised if Rollins hangs on to that belt at least up to that time.