WWE 2015 news:: Steve Austin relationship with WWE still strong

Steve AustinWikipedia

All is well with Steve Austin and the WWE despite the latest issue concerning the pullout of Steve Austin shirts from the ProWrestlingTees.com site.

The WWE explained that the reason behind the celebrated pullout had to do with trademark issues. Despite the new issue between the Rattlesnake and the WWE, Austin explains that his relationship with the WWE remains good and that they are still working together.

Austin further explained that he had already talked with a WWE lawyer and stressed that despite the row, there were no hard feelings.

In fact, he even hinted that there are "greater things" to come from him and the WWE though the former WWE champion did not get into detail and advised the fans to simply stay tuned.

The Austin-WWE setto has become a delicate topic to tackle, something that picks off from previous issues which many were made to believe were a souring of their working relationship.

This isn't the first time that Austin and the WWE have been rumored to be at odds. The first was of course the question on why Austin was absent at Wrestlemania 31. Austin clarified that there were no plans and the he did not purposely snub any invitation. It was a non-issue.

The other issue had to do with Austin being offered to host Tough Enough. Scheduling had become a problem since Austin had already committed to hosting another show, the Broken Skull Challenge.

There is also that celebrated rift concerning Steve Austin's podcast. An issue concerning the name of the Podcast on the WWE Network was said to be the problem, something petty and perhaps not serious to tarnish the Austin-McMahon relationship.

Austin had stressed before that the WWE will always be in his blood. Despite these controversies which seemingly become high profile considering they have been happening frequently, take it from the Rattlesnake himself – all is good between him and the WWE.