WWE 2015 Rumors: Vince McMahon is perfectly healthy, according to reports

Vince McMahonWikipedia

Vince McMahon has been doing a lot of twists and turns in the WWE and understandably, the wear and tear of trying to manage a sports entertainment company will at some point take its toll. But as far as Vince McMahon is concerned, rest assured that the WWE CEO is as fit as an ox.

Apparently there were rumors that McMahon may have been suffering from possible issues with his vision.

A report originating from What Culture says that Vince McMahon may be going blind. In the report, McMahon was said to be unable to see Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 31, a pretty big person that should be hard to miss.

However all these rumors were shot down by a WWE official and immediately doused water on the said speculations. McMahon is in great shape and pretty much doing well.

Like most aging people, McMahon does have a pair of glasses which he uses when he is not on television. There would be instances he would be seen in public wearing them but that is about it. He can still pretty clearly and is in no danger of going blind as the rumors are suggesting.

Aside from that, McMahon has been in the headlines in connection with Hulk Hogan. Ironically, the WWE CEO has reportedly agreed to allow Hogan to wrestle at Wrestlemania 32 provided he passes a physical.

Assuming that Hogan does pass the physical, it remains to be seen who the Hulkster would be facing in the grandest annual event of the WWE.

Wrestlemania 32 is seemingly a pretty big affair. Aside from Hogan, other big names being circled around include Sting, the Undertaker, Triple H, The Rock and just recently Steve Austin.

It remains to be seen if Wrestlemania 32 can outdo the recently concluded Wrestlemania 31. With that stellar cast, the WWE can surely look forward to another record-breaking attendance, possibly improving what they had to offer this year.