WWE 2015 rumors: Who will mix it up at WWE Intercontinental Championship?

Bad News BarrettWikimedia Commons

As WWE fans look forward to Wrestlemania 31 which is just weeks away, there is another title match that is currently being given a bump. And that is the WWE Intercontinental belt which is currently held by Bad News Barrett.

For now, there are only two confirmed participants for the Ladder Match planned for the WWE IC belt. Aside from Barrett, R-Truth and Dolph Ziggler are the names which have been officially announced.

That leaves about 3 more slots since the said match was actually set for six individuals. But if the word around is true, that six-man ladder match could be tweaked a bit, maybe seven.

Among the names that are afloat right now include that of Luke Harper, Stardust, Dean Ambrose and Daniel Bryan.

If Stardust would be added, then that would mean that the much rumored match between him and his brother Goldust may not materialize. It will be recalled that Stardust (Cody Rhodes) is in the middle of a family turmoil with his brother so if he is inserted, that storyline may be left hanging.

Dean Ambrose is an expected addition, having had his run-ins with Barrett. Ambrose is someone who is hungry for the title so his addition is a no-brainer.

Daniel Bryan's addition would make sense since his last spill with Roman Reigns ended already. With no angle for Bryan, adding him to the IC foray does seem a logical move.

Luke Harper, well, it may be a boost on his end having been involved in various storylines involving the Authority. Harper is obviously the participant with the least attention, there could be a surprise if the Authority has its say.

Now do remember that the match was set for a six-man Ladder match and the names mentioned are seven. The last update saw Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper joining R-Truth and Bad News Barrett. Who could the final two be? Or will it be upgraded to a 7-man match?