WWE 2015: WWE Network is root cause of dismal ratings

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The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) continues to bemoan its faltering ratings and try as they might to infuse new blood and story angles, none has so far helped that much to provide the company with a much needed boost.

So, is the WWE taking this issue from wrong perspective?

Some believe so and the blame seems to be pointing towards the WWE Network. Apparently, this is where all the fans focus on, considering this is the likely time when title changes could happen, not to mention surprise appearances.

RAW and SMACKDOWN have done nothing out of the ordinary to make them interesting to see. They usually carry on the storylines, but that is all. Much of the things that happen are predictable, and people may as well just follow the events via WWE.com.

The WWE's creative team may have to do something, like perhaps a special event that could somehow make fans watch the regular shows. Some feel that a title change could happen, but then again, it doesn't have to come to that.

The creative team just has to become, well, creative. The shows have to be made a bit special without compromising what the actual pay-per-views (PPVs) have to offer. Big matches could be a good thing, but there has to be something appalling.

The task of doing so and spicing up the regular shows will, of course, not be that easy. But the immediate thing in mind which the WWE must do is to keep the fans glued and following the two shows. Something like perhaps the brand ways of old, which saw drafting stars for each show?

At that time, there were certain sets of stars that appeared on separate shows. There were some who made appearances on both, but usually this was reserved for the champions.

That could be an idea and seeing that the WWE has a lot of stars backstage not really doing anything, such could also become an opportunity to see lesser seen stars.

Right now, the WWE has limited it to a certain circle of popular wrestlers. A brand war could be neat, wherein the WWE and its stars could end up being the winners.