WWE Battleground 2015 preview, predictions: Will titles change hands at Battleground?

[Photo: Wikipedia/WWE.com]

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Battleground will take place at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis Missouri on Sunday with most WWE titles on the line.

The main event will of course see Seth Rollins defend his WWE title against the raging Brock Lesnar, a long overdue rematch. Rollins won the belt by cashing in during the main event match between Lesnar  and Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 31 as two men were zapped from their brutal exchanges.

But the thing here is that Rollins did not win the title from Lesnar. Using his Money in the Bank briefcase, Rollins cashed in and pinned Reigns during the match to capture the belt.

Lesnar sought a rematch that night but never got it when Rollins said he would grant the rematch when he feels like it. And apparently that time has come.

What makes the match interesting is that it is a normal match. With that in mind, Rollins can resort to outside interference and lose by disqualification but not the title. The WWE belt cannot change hands unless it is by submission or pinfall and most feel that this will likely be the outcome.

On the other hand, John Cena and Kevin Owens face off yet again but with the United States Championship on the line. There is a chance that Cena may lose this one seeing that Owens is being given the push and that he recently lost his WWE NXT Belt to Finn Balor.

Although it remains to be seen how, there could be outside interference or a cheap shot that could hand Owens the belt. Of course, it could be the other way around but for the sake of making things interesting, this seems a juicier outcome.

Reigns will face Bray Wyatt in another card, a storyline that seems to be good for the former Shield member. Even though Wyatt has put his mind games to good use, there is a chance that this match could end up in a no-contest or Wyatt pulling a fast one on Reigns.

If Reigns wins, that could mean the end of the storyline between these two protagonists although it could be tied up with what happens in the Rollins vs. Lesnar tussle.

The WWE Tag Team Titles will also be on the line with the Primetime Players defending their belts against the New Day. With the numbers on the side of the New Day, it could turn out to be the advantage and allow them to regain their titles.

There was supposed to be a triple threat match for the Intercontinental title involving Ryback, the Big Show, and the Miz but that match seems to be in limbo right now after the WWE announced that it was pulling out Ryback due to injury (staph infection). There is no announcement yet by the WWE if Big Show and/or the Miz will still be part of the pay-per-view.

WWE Battleground kicks off this Sunday at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri, 8 p.m. EST and 5 p.m. PST. It will be shown live via the WWE Network.