WWE Battleground 2016 predictions: Roman Reigns toing to fight? Feud may stretch to SummerSlam

Roman Reigns might still make it to WWE Battleground 2016.Facebook/PowerhouseRomanReigns

The WWE World Heavyweight Championship match in the WWE Battleground just got complicated, thanks to the suspension of Roman Reigns due to his wellness policy violation.

Seth Rollins demands a one-on-one match with Dean Ambrose instead while AJ Styles wanted to make it a Triple Threat match with him replacing Reigns. John Cena then came in, proposing a fatal five-way match.

However, in the Stephanie McMahon stepped in and wanted Cena and Styles to earn their spot. She pitted Cena against Rollins and Ambrose against Styles. If the challengers win, they make it to the WWE Battleground.

Reigns is currently on a 30-day suspension following his violation on the WWE Wellness policy. However, his suspension will be lifted right before WWE Battleground, which makes it a bit fishy.

According to FOX Sports, the timing of the suspension is a bit curious. It is rumored that the suspension is still part of the storyline, seeing that the show addressed the issue.

The publication says that WWE never addressed suspensions like that on the show, making it a really shocking that Rollins talked about it on the ring during Monday Night Raw.

This hints that Reigns might be in the WWE Battleground event after all. It is possible that a fatal-five way match could actually happen or the Triple Threat match could take place, depending on the outcome of the qualifying matches.

FOX Sports suggests that the suspension is being used by WWE to move the storyline forward. That being said, Reigns still has a shot in joining WWE Battleground and winning the title.

According to Bleacher Report, the fact that the match is scheduled on a smaller pay-per-view event also hints that this World Heavyweight Champion feud will extend to WWE SummerSlam.

This means that this warfare will not be finished in the WWE Battleground. Whether or not that happens, fans will simply have to catch the event on July 24.