WWE Champion CM Punk to write a Marvel comic book to be released next year

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CM Punk will be busy in the coming months, but not with wrestling and brawling. The former WWE Champion is taking on a task with less tussling and more mental muscle-flexing to pen a comic book story for none other than the prime and popular comic book cosmos, Marvel.

The well-loved WWE fighter, who turned out to be a heavy comic book reader, was tapped to write a story for the "Thor Annual #1." CM Punk has been very busy with his wrestling career back when he was first offered the writing assignment in 2011. But now for a total turnaround, CM Punk will be seen more at work on a desk than inside the ring. Nevertheless, his wrestling experience, as he admitted, will still work for him when he sets off into his entirely different venture.

"I'm definitely prepared to fall flat on my face, I think. If anything, [wrestling] got me used to understanding that failure is part of a process, and the only real failure is if you don't try. Like I could be nervous and bite my fingernails, worried that I think my book is gonna be a piece of crap, but I could be not doing it, and that would be the true failure," the champion told Marvel.com.

Together with award-winning artist Rob Guillory, CM Punk will construct his first comic book story to be released in February next year. "Thor" editor Jon Moisan has been sending the wrestler/ writer copies of comic scripts to get him into full comic-writing gear.

"Like, technically this is my first comic book writing assignment, and I'm writing Thor, which is pretty heavy. It's not an independent. It's not an offshoot story. I'm writing Thor, one of the Marvel heavy hitters. They make movies about him now, if you didn't know. And I think we're both almost looking at it like, 'Man, if we never get another assignment from Marvel, then we have to write and/or draw as many Marvel characters as we possibly can!' And I think this kind of gives us the freedom," CM Punk told Marvel.com.