WWE Extreme Rules Rumors: Naomi and Nikki Bella may go head to head, not Paige

Naomi (Trinity McCray)Wikipedia

WWE Extreme Rule is weeks away and one of the matches that have already been made official is the one between Paige and Nikki Bella for the WWE Divas Championship. However, don't be surprised if that matchup undergoes a major change.

Paige (based on the storyline) is said to be suffering from internal injuries she sustained from Naomi (Trinity McCray) after winning the Divas Battle Royal to determine the no. 1 contender to Nikki Bella's title. Paige won that match but went ballistic and turned heel against Paige.

But the real story behind it is that Paige may not compete since she needs to take some time off. Paige is apparently set to appear on WWE Studio's Santa's Little Helper this month meaning there could be a conflict rising. Hence, don't be surprised to find Naomi taking her place on WWE Extreme Rules which takes place on April 26 at the Allstate Arena in Chicago.

Naomi has been making waves as of late and with her apparent heel turn, it almost seems like she will end up the next WWE Divas champion. Naomi (per storylines) doesn't think of the Bellas that much and the best way to hit them hard is to of course snag the Divas title from Nikki.

Naomi's push is something many had expected with the Divas roster seemingly shorthanded. It will be recalled that a former WWE Divas Champion, AJ Lee had announced her retirement so don't be surprised to see some WWE NXT Divas moving up to the main roster.

With the success that Naomi has had over the Bellas in competition, could she be the next Divas Champ?

Before we tinker with that idea, the WWE has to make her the official opponent of Nikki Bella first and then try to score another victory over the champ.