WWE Fastlane 2016: Triple Threat match to determine Triple H's opponent at Wrestlemania 32

Triple H[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/WWE]

Triple H is the new World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) heavyweight champion, something that hardly came as a surprise.

But seeing that he is also the WWE COO, he can dictate pretty much what he pleases, including when to defend the title. With that said, don't expect the title defenses soon. As witnessed on WWE RAW, Triple H is preserving himself for the big dance — Wrestlemania 32.

Against whom? That will be what will three WWE stars will try to determine after the WWE COO made a number one contender match to determine his foe.

The three individuals who will vie for that right are Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Brock Lesnar.

If the rumors hold true, Reigns will be the anointed one. So from now until that time, it will be interesting to see what build ups or twists the WWE creative team will be up to.

At the 2016 Royal Rumble, the familiar boos were back and obviously, the WWE Universe is not happy again at how things have panned up. Reigns got the worse of it so it may be back to square one.

Ambrose could be a wise choice as well. Still a fan favorite, the current intercontinental title stands in the way. He did defend it against Kevin Owens at the rumble, although it remains to be seen if that feud is done and over with.

Lesnar should be a favorite if not for one thing — the Wyatt Family. The Beast has been the target of the Wyatts as of late and everyone knows that storyline which involves Lesnar squaring off against Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania 32.

So unless something dramatic happens, it should be Reigns vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania 32. But seeing how the fans are somehow dictating the storylines these days, leave some room for possible changes in case the WWE finds it too hard to handle.