WWE Fastlane rumors: Dean Ambrose could be a surprise threat to Roman Reigns

[photo: YouTube screen capture/WWE]

Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns will star again at WWE Fastlane, although the scenario will be a lot different.

Instead of fighting side-by-side, the two will have to go at it along with a third star in Brock Lesnar. At stake is the right to challenge Triple H for the WWE world heavyweight title at Wrestlemania 32.

If previous rumors are to be believed, Reigns is expected to come out of this one and face the WWE COO. But seeing the backlash and fan reception on the Big Dog, there could be surprises in store. And the only ones who have any knowledge on that is the WWE creative team.

Like last year, WWE Fastlane is turning out to be the event which will try to fix things. And ironically, it will be Reigns that will need the boost.

After working hard on building Reigns, the WWE finds itself back to square one trying to convince fans that the Big Dog is the new face of the WWE. But the predictability of his matches which places him next to perfect has done more harm than good.

His buddy Ambrose, on the other hand, has become a crowd darling. He may not be in the main event stages but has captured the adoration of fans who love his never-say-die attitude.

Lesnar is unlikely to come out the winner at WWE Fastlane seeing how the WWE is building up a feud between him and the Wyatt Family. Ambrose was rumored to be doing the same with Chris Jericho, but the entry of A.J. Styles may just change all that.

Could Ambrose turn out to be the number one challenger after WWE Fastlane is over? Right now, it may be a bit too early to figure that out. But for the WWE fans, that twist could be something to consider.