WWE Hell in a Cell 2015 news: Kevin Owens staying as intercontinental champion

Kevin Owens[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/ WWE]

Kevin Owens seems to be back on top once again and from the looks of it will remain there for now.

Owens pulled off a surprise at World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Night of Champions, pinning Ryback after a rake to the eyes. The cheap move allowed him to steal the intercontinental title from Ryback and just like that, the brash Canadian has finally won his first official WWE major title outside the WWE NXT plum.

Owens will be putting the title on the line against Ryback at WWE Hell in a Cell, which will take place this Oct. 25, and this early, many believe that that intercontinental title should remain with him to give the division a little bit more of color.

This is, of course, with no disrespect towards the Big Guy but the thing is, Owens' colorful character has allowed him to be one of the WWE's top and unpredictable heel as of late.

Owens saw himself demoted to the middle cards after consecutively falling to John Cena. From there he has feuded with the likes of Rusev, Cesaro, and now, Ryback.

Unless the WWE finds Ryback a more suited champion over Owens (with focus on storylines), chances are the Canadian will cling onto the belt.

It could be a clean win (something many feel won't happen) or by cheap means like a disqualification or countout. Ryback is expected to overpower Owens, although the latter has proven he can withstand that rampage that the Big Guy has to give.

So in the end, Owens is expected to use his wits to outthink Ryback, a tactic he has been known to do from recent matches with bigger opponents.

Like him or not, the wise card says that Owens will end the night with the intercontinental title on his waist. A Ryback win is not totally discounted, but then again, the WWE would do well to leave the title on the waist of someone for a little bit longer than a frequent change of intercontinental champions.